KSBranigan Law P.C. is proud to announce the firm’s involvement in an educational video entitled “Creating Safe Workplaces in NJ Politics.” The video, which was developed by the YWCA of Northern New Jersey and funded by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation, will be distributed to political campaigns and offices with the goal of raising awareness and educating workers on how to create safer environments that also encourage a culture of respect in the workplace. Kirsten Scheurer Branigan and Beth P. Zoller participated on behalf of KSBranigan Law.
The project was launched with a press event on April 28, 2022, featuring clips from the video as well as Ms. Branigan speaking alongside Helen Archontou (CEO of the YWCA of Northern New Jersey), Senator Loretta Weinberg, Kathleen N. Fennelly (President of the New Jersey State Bar Foundation), and Sabeen Masih (Vice President of Capital Impact Group and a member of Senator Weinberg’s Workgroup on Harassment, Sexual Assault and Misogyny). Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver was an important contributor to the project and video as well. Tara Dowdell (President of Tara Dowdell Group) facilitated the question and answer portion of the event.
If you missed the press event, you can watch it on YouTube and visit NJ.com to read more about the project. Also please click here to view coverage of the project on NJ Spotlight News.
The video is merely a starting-off point for campaign managers and other political leaders and is not meant to take the place of interactive training. Meaningful training occurs when it is live and interactive and participants are highly engaged and can ask questions.
Education is one of the most crucial components of creating safe, inclusive, and comfortable environments that are free from bias. Continued emphasis on implicit/unconscious bias, cultural awareness, bystander intervention, and on diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Although important progress has been made in the effort to combat sexual assault, harassment, discrimination, and retaliation, more work still needs to be done.
For more information on KSBranigan Law training programs, click here.
This summary is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. This information should not be reused without permission.