Case Coordinator/Paralegal


Beginning her career in patient care and medical research, Janice spent almost a decade in the healthcare industry as a genetic counselor where she honed her communication skills, distilling and clarifying complex medical information while helping patients navigate difficult healthcare decisions.

In recent years, Janice has worked as a Communications Consultant, servicing clients in the healthcare, hospitality, and travel industries, as well as within the non-profit sector. She has experience managing social media for businesses, as well as political campaigns. Additionally, Janice has experience in sales and recruiting.

Her work with non-profit organizations has included administration and management of fundraising programs and events.

Janice’s role with KSBranigan Law involves case coordination and paralegal responsibilities.

Client & Case Support

  • Assists with the evaluation of employment claims, including document review and preparation of chronologies and document indices for employment negotiation and litigation matters.
  • Provides support in the preparation of comprehensive independent workplace investigation reports and employment-related training materials.
  • Assists attorneys on employment compliance audits.
  • Prepares drafts of employment handbooks, policies and procedures, employment contracts and severance agreements.
  • Manages document organization on complex projects.



  • Medical College of Virginia/ Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, M.S.
  • University of Virginia, B.A. Biology, B.A Anthropology

Community Service

  • Nutley Historic Preservation Committee, Secretary
  • Nutley Cultural Inclusion and Diversity Council, Secretary
  • Van Riper House, Secretary
  • Nutley Soccer Booster Club, Board Member, Social Media Manager
  • Yantacaw School PTO, President