Unconscious/Implicit Bias & Cultural Awareness
KSB Law provides support in the important area of Unconscious/Implicit Bias & Cultural Awareness in the private and public sectors. The Firm offers services in this area to law firms, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and private and public companies, as well as to local, county, and state governmental entities and agencies.
Unconscious and implicit biases can unknowingly distort the objective evaluation and treatment of those who are different from us. Microaggressions and microinequities can demean and stereotype individuals of historically marginalized groups. Employees at all levels need to appreciate how their backgrounds influence their interactions with each other within the workplace and how their own cultural experiences shapes who they are and how they see the world.
KSB Law offers a thought-provoking and impactful Training Program focused on understanding implicit and unconscious bias and cultural awareness. This Training is critical and important given the existing social landscape. This Training is recommended for the entire workforce, but is critical for those serving in leadership, managerial, human resources, legal, and compliance roles.
During Unconscious/Implicit Bias & Cultural Awareness Training, the attorney trainers provide education on the topic and facilitate group exercises. The exercises and discussions are designed to help attendees identify their own implicit/unconscious biases and work toward overcoming them and becoming more culturally aware.
Attendees will be guided on taking specific behavioral steps to interrupt biases in their professional interactions.
Training topics include:
Defining and acknowledging Unconscious Bias;
Recognizing different types of Unconscious Bias;
Understanding microaggressions/microinequities and microaffirmations;
Understanding the negative impact of Unconscious Bias;
Detecting Unconscious Bias through Implicit Association Tests;
Discussing White Privilege and prejudices, biases, and stereotypes; and/or
Appreciating different cultural and religious customs
KSB Law also provides other Training to help employers and employees avert unlawful interactions.
Other Training Programs include:
Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Prevention & Civility/Bystander Intervention
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Service & Assistance Animal Awareness
Manager Training to Avoid Pitfalls in Performance Management & Discipline
Bullying and Violence Prevention & Promoting Civility and Respect
Educational Institution Anti-Bias Initiatives & Training
Employment Law Compliance for Human Resources & Leaders
Conducting a Workplace Culture/Climate Assessment
Equal Pay Compliance & Audits
Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations
Policies and procedures
Culture and workplace climate assessments