KSBranigan Law Announced Fall 2020 Training Programs

KSBranigan Law announced the firm’s updated Fall 2020 Training Programs on: (1) Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, Civility and Bystander Intervention; (2) Implicit and Unconscious Bias & Cultural Awareness; (3) Conducting Effective Investigations; (4) Equal Pay Audits; and (5) HR Compliance & Employment Law Training and Audits.

Training is key given New Jersey’s impending statutory requirements, and in the current climate of COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, and #MeToo. Training is provided in private, public/government, and non-profit sectors and is tailored to fit specific industry and business needs. The training programs are designed to assist employers on compliance with existing legal obligations and new developments. All training programs were available in a virtual format.

Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation Civility and Bystander Intervention remains as significant today as ever before given new and evolving laws following the Black Lives Matter and #MeToo Movements. The firm offers an interactive program focused on educating employees on not only preventing harassment, discrimination, and retaliation, but on the importance of civility, respect, and bystander intervention in the workplace. This training is designed for employees at all levels.

Implicit and Unconscious Bias & Cultural Awareness offers a thought-provoking program that challenges employers to become aware of their covert biases. Unconscious/hidden biases can unknowingly distort the objective evaluation and treatment of others based upon race, gender, religion, culture, etc. All employees would greatly benefit from this training. However, it is critical for leaders and managers.

Conducting Effective Investigations in the Era of COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, and #MeToo is a dynamic and comprehensive investigation training program through which investigators are educated on the mechanics of conducting complaints from start to finish and addressing common thorny issues that arise in workplace investigations. The target audience for this program is legal, compliance, human resources, senior leaders, and managers involved in employment-related complaints. This training is important in a post-#MeToo movement era and highly relevant concerns about COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter, coupled with complex legal changes impacting investigation practices.

Equal Pay Audits covers key areas in the current legal climate. With new equal pay laws, such as the Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act which includes a Salary Inquiry Ban Law, employers must be vigilant in ensuring that employers are aware of the restrictions on compensation inquiries and that employees performing “substantially similar work” must be paid the same wages, benefits, or other compensation, unless certain limited exceptions apply. The target audience for this training is legal, compliance, human resources, and business leaders involved in hiring, compensation, and benefits decisions.

HR Compliance Training & Employment Audits helps employers to navigate a variety of employment issues that arise in the workplace. The training includes such topics as discipline; demotions, and promotions; reasonable accommodations; and medical, family, and sick leaves. In light of developments in the law, having training and audits on employment practices remains important. The target audience for the training includes employees in legal, compliance, human resources, and management roles.

See all training programs KSBranigan Law has to offer here.