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Kirsten Scheurer Branigan Presented at NJSBA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Conference 2023

On October 3, 2023, Kirsten Scheurer Branigan participated in the New Jersey State Bar Association Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Conference 2023. The program keynote speaker was Paulette Brown, Esq. and the program was moderated by Stephanie J. Wilson, Esq. Additional presenters included A. Scott Bolden, Esq.; Clifford D. Dawkins, Esq.; Ron McCormick, Esq.; Ravi Sattiraju, Esq.; and Robert T. Szyba, Esq. The conference took place from 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick, as well as virtually.

This program included a discussion of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling’s not only on affirmative action in higher education, but also on corporate America. It explored the various reasons why Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity is critical in the legal profession, the importance of terminology, and issues relevant to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

During the program, the panel discussed examples and experiences that demonstrated the benefits and effects of representing clients or presiding over individuals from diverse backgrounds. The panel also discussed action items and practical tips for representing diverse clients, especially as diverse attorneys.

Click here for more information. This program was approved for CLE credit.