On Feb. 18, 2020, the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights (DCR), Office of the Attorney General, issued a comprehensive report, entitled “Preventing and Eliminating Sexual Harassment in New Jersey—Findings and Recommendations from Three Public Hearings” (the “DCR Report”), based on information culled from a series of hearings held in September 2019. The DCR’s goal was to address the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace and places of public accommodation and housing. The DCR Report contains recommendations for legislative amendments, additional educational outreach by the DCR, and best practices.
This article by Kirsten Scheurer Branigan, Esq. and Carole Lynn Nowicki, Esq. was recently published in the March 12, 2020 Law Journal regarding DCR’s report and resulting proposed legislation.
This article was also included in the May 2020 NJSBA New Jersey Labor and Employment Law Quarterly.
If you experience difficulties accessing the referenced PDF article, please contact KSB Law.
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