Kirsten Scheurer Branigan Spoke on Improving your Legal Talent Recruiting and Retention

As lawyers re-evaluate and renegotiate how they want to work and live, law firms and legal departments have a unique opportunity to re-assess their workplace cultures as well as their recruiting, retention and advancement strategies.

Kirsten Scheurer Branigan discussed this issue in the NJSBA CLE program, “Improving Your Legal Talent Recruiting and Retention: Creating Dynamic Workforces in an Ever-Changing Market.” Kirsten joined moderator, Craig M. Aranow, Esq. as well as panelists Randi W. Kochman, Esq. and Diana C. Manning, Esq. The program took place virtually on June 8, 2023 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Click here for more information.