On August 1, 2022, the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights (DCR) adopted new and amended regulations concerning the “Display of Official Posters of the Division on Civil Rights.” The regulations require employers, housing providers, and places of public accommodation to prominently display posters created by the DCR to better inform individuals and covered entities about their rights and obligations under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) and Family Leave Act (NJFLA). Covered employers must post and distribute copies of the posters to each employee annually and upon an employee’s first request.
In terms of posting, the posters must be prominently displayed “in places easily visible” to those who would be affected by violations of these laws. If an employer has an Internet site or intranet site used by employees to which all employees have access and the employer customarily posts notices to affected employees or other affected individuals electronically on the site, the regulations state that “posting of the official [LAD and NJFLA] poster[s] on the employer’s internet site or intranet site shall satisfy the posting requirement.”
Distribution may be through:
Email delivery;
Printed material, including, but not limited to, paycheck inserts, a brochure or similar informational packet provided to new hires, an attachment to an employee manual or policy book, or a flyer distributed at an employee meeting; or
An Internet or intranet website as long as the site is for the use of all employees, can be accessed by all employees, and the employer provides notice to the employees of its posting.
The updated DCR posters are:
Places of Public Accommodation Poster
Pre and Post Natal Facilities Poster
Mental Health Facilities Poster
Emergency and Trauma Facilities Poster
Long- and Short-Term Care Facilities
Alternative Treatment Centers Poster
Licensed Professional Facilities Poster
With respect to notice, an employer must post and now also distribute copies of the posters to each employee:
(1) Each year on or before December 31; and
(2) Upon the first request of an employee.
In addition to these new regulations, New Jersey employers are required to comply with other agency posting requirements, such as those required by the New Jersey Department of Labor as well as the requirements to post and distribute notices under the Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA) and the Gender Equity Notice (for employers with 50 or more employees).
This summary is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. This information should not be reused without permission.