Kirsten Scheurer Branigan was the moderator of an ICLE Program on July 12, 2022 about the unique challenges that arise in political environments and key measures focused on raising awareness and educating political campaign workers and legislative offices, including the release of an important educational video, entitled “Creating Safe Workplaces in NJ Politics,” that will be widely disseminated in New Jersey this summer. Esteemed panelists participating in the program included Senator Loretta Weinberg (Ret.), Helen Archontou of YWCA Northern NJ, Kathryn McClure of Smith Eibeler, LLC, Kathleen N. Fennelly of McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP, and Anna Maria Tejada of Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr, LLP.
The panel discussed what is included in the video, what led to the creation of the video, and the related toolkit that is expected to be launched. The panel also discussed pending legislation that, if enacted, will contain key components such as mandates for creating policies, conducting training, and establishing an impartial oversight office (Office of Discrimination and Harassment Prevention) that would be empowered to conduct prompt and effective investigations so that individuals (including campaign workers and others working in New Jersey legislative offices) have an avenue for raising concerns.
The program was held virtually and hosted by the New Jersey Institute of Continuing Education.
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