On Wednesday, November 3, Kirsten Scheurer Branigan joined the panel for the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association (NJWLA) Solo and Small Firm Committee presentation: What’s in Your “Go Bag”? Practical Tips for Solos and Small Firms on Emergency Funding and Surviving a Crisis. In this presentation, private practitioners discussed what a small law firm or solo practitioner should have in her “go bag” to fund and survive a crisis. Representatives from SobelCo discussed the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness, Small Business Administration (SBA) EIDL loans, as well as tax implications, outsourced accounting solutions and technology solutions that can ensure support for small firms and solo practitioners. Other panelists included: Diana Gallego, Supervisor, SobelCo; Karen Henderson, CPA, Tax Director, SobelCo; Aurora Rosado Lazzaro, CPA, MBA, CGMA, Member of the Firm, SobelCo; and Osato Chitou, Esq., MPH, Founder & Principal Consultant, Compli By Osato. The panel was moderated by Cherie Adams, Esq.,Owner, Adams Gutierrez & Lattiboudere, LLC.
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