The Growing Legacy of New Jersey’s Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act

Nearly three years ago, New Jersey enacted the historic Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act, which gives broad protections and remedies to protected class employees who are not receiving equal pay when performing substantially similar work. Since its passage, employees are bringing expansive equal pay claims against private and public sector employers. Institutions of higher education, law firms, and public entities seem to be particular targets, likely because their compensation structures are ripe for disparate pay challenges.

Given the tremendous exposure and risk, it is essential for employers to be proactive, undertake comprehensive self-evaluation audits, and promptly correct any pay disparities to comply with the EPA.

For more information, please read “The Growing Legacy of New Jersey’s Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act,” authored by Kirsten Scheurer Branigan Esq., Carole Lynn Nowicki Esq., and Beth P. Zoller, Esq., published on March 15, 2021 by the New Jersey Law Journal.

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