KSB Law Recent Programs 2021

Employment Outlook 2021

On February 1, 2021, Carole Lynn Nowicki was a speaker in an Employment Outlook 2021 seminar hosted by the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association. Ms. Nowicki was joined by Ebonee Hamilton Lewis of Becton, Dickinson and Company; Micala Campbell Robinson of Greenberg Traurig LLP; Linda G. Harvey of Greenberg Dauber Epstein & Tucker, PC; and Moderator Dina M. Mastellone of Genova Burns LLC. The panel discussed topics centered on The Law Firm in 2021: what it looks like, how it is different, and the nuts and bolts of adapting to the new work environment. Other topics discussed were best practices and watch-outs in the corporate environment; fostering inclusive and productive work environments; and pending or new employment legislation in New Jersey that could impact the workplace in 2021.

The New Normal: Working as Lawyers During the COVID Pandemic

On February 23, 2021, Kirsten Scheurer Branigan was a panelist in a program hosted by the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association entitled “The New Normal: Working as Lawyers During the COVID Pandemic.” The program highlighted many highly relevant topics centered around practicing law during the pandemic including setting boundaries; expectations of employees from a management perspective; technology pros and cons; and lessons learned on efficiency.

Along with Ms. Branigan, the esteemed panel featured Jewel Watson (Moderator), Director and Corporate Counsel at Prudential; Nicole Bearce, VP and Associate General Counsel at Conduent; Lora Fong, Assistant Attorney General & Chief Diversity Officer at the NJ Office of the Attorney General; and Sheea Sybblis, Associate General Counsel at Nestlé Health Science.

Top 11 HR Mistakes that Invite Lawsuits

On February 25, 2021 a virtual course taught by Teresa Boyle-Vellucci through the National Business Institute went live. The course, entitled “Top 11 HR Mistakes that Invite Lawsuits,” covered several HR issues such as documenting performance issues, the importance of conducting employment law training programs, and ensuring employees receive required workplace notifications. Click here for the NBI site to view the program.

Mindfulness for Ethical Lawyering

On March 4, 2021, Lori Buza was a speaker at an event hosted by the Hudson County Bar Association in a program entitled “Mindfulness for Ethical Lawyering.” Ms. Buza is certified in mindfulness and provides coaching for lawyers and business professionals. The seminar was designed to help lawyers develop mindfulness techniques to respond to the challenges and stress they face in the legal profession and assist them with creating balance in their personal lives.