Kirsten Scheurer Branigan co-authored with Claudia A. Reis
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine
Kirsten Scheurer Branigan published an article entitled “Magna Carta: Still Paving the Long Road to Equality”, which she co-wrote with Claudia A. Reis. The article, which was written to commemorate the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, explains how the document led the way in framing groundwork for the provision of greater rights for women. The article was printed in the June 2015 issue of New Jersey Lawyer Magazine. While it may not be widely known, Magna Carta is a key document that helped lay the groundwork for future legislation guaranteeing the rights of women. This was true despite only granting rights to a small percentage of elite women when it was signed in 1215. Over time, the seeds of progress planted by Magna Carta spread from Europe to America and led to the provision of greater legal protections for women.
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