Meditation for Lawyers

In an article entitled “Meditation for Lawyers,” published in the April 2023 issue of New Jersey Lawyer, NJSBA Lawyer Well-Being Committee Co-Chair, Lori Ann Buza, discusses how meditation can provide […]

The Nutrition-Conscious Lawyer

In an article entitled “The Nutrition-Conscious Lawyer,” published in the February 2023 issue of New Jersey Lawyer, NJSBA Lawyer Well-Being Committee Co-Chair, Lori Ann Buza, discusses the importance of nutrition […]

Are You Fit for Law

In an article entitled “Are You Fit for Law,” published in the December 2022 issue of New Jersey Lawyer, NJSBA Lawyer Well-Being Committee Co-Chair, Lori Ann Buza, discusses why staying […]

Take Your Dog to Work…Every Day

Are you thinking about allowing employees to bring pets to work? Congratulations on understanding the benefits of a pet friendly workplace! However, as with any employee benefit being contemplated, careful […]

De-Stress, Decompress and Recharge

In an article entitled “De-Stress, Decompress and Recharge,” published in the October 2022 issue of New Jersey Lawyer, NJSBA Lawyer Well-Being Committee Chair, Lori Ann Buza, discusses tips to help […]

Practicing Gratitude

In an article entitled “Don’t Just Practice Law—Practice Gratitude,” published in the August 2022 issue of New Jersey Lawyer, NJSBA Lawyer Well-Being Committee Chair, Lori Ann Buza, discusses the benefits […]

Are You a Mindful Attorney?

Integrating mindfulness practice into an attorney’s life enhances their abilities to act ethically and professionally while providing the attorney with broader insight into their clients’ needs and the best methods […]