KSBranigan Law P.C. Welcomes First-Year Associate Katie Ann Insinga, Esq.

KSBranigan Law P.C. is pleased to announce that Katie Ann Insinga joined KSBranigan Law as a First-Year Associate.  On October 25, 2024, Katie Ann was officially sworn in to practice law before the New Jersey state courts and the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. Her swearing in ceremony was presided over by the Honorable United States Magistrate Judge Jessica Stein Allen in the Martin Luther King Federal Courthouse in Newark, NJ, where she was joined by family and KSB Law, Managing Partner, Kirsten Scheurer Branigan.

A graduate of Rutgers Law School, Katie Ann comes to KSB Law after working on a cutting-edge study on advancement and retention of women in the New Jersey legal profession through the Rutgers Law School International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC) with Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law Penny Venetis, and Adjunct Professor, Kirsten Scheurer Branigan.

The KSB Law team warmly welcomes Katie Ann as she embarks on the legal career.